Call for Public Comment - Proposed New Program Name

At its 12-14 August 2024 meeting, the Commission considered all input to date to propose a name for the advanced practice doctoral program, currently named Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM). Before making this change to its Program Naming Policy, ACAHM is providing notice to all relevant stakeholders and constituencies (“interested parties”) of the proposed change and giving the interested parties adequate opportunity to comment on the proposed change. ACAHM will use the input received to help inform its final decision.


For over a decade, the Commission has worked to improve program name consistency across all accreditable programs and to remove all references to the term “Oriental” in ACAHM accreditation standards, policies, resources, and communications. Engaging profession-wide input on program naming has included: 

  1. a formalized modified Delphi process involving seven national professional organizations selected to represent English-, Chinese-, or Korean-speaking clinicians or students, and educators; 

  2. a national survey, with over 1,200 responses, considering the results of the Delphi process, current titles in use throughout the U.S., and regulatory limitations; and 

  3. ongoing communication with the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine and its constituents, including students, alumni, faculty, and staff. 

The proposed change to the advanced practice doctoral program naming is: 

The only program name that ACAHM will recognize and accredit for the advanced practice doctoral program is Doctor of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine (DAIM). 

Points of note:

  1. The Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine extensively deliberated on alternate titles and suggested DAIM.

  2. “Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine” reflects the goals and professional competencies of advanced practice doctoral programs.

  3. Two entry-level professional doctoral programs initially chose the DAIM name. While these programs have changed their program name to comply with ACAHM’s Program Naming Policy, the DAIM degree will continue to be conferred to students enrolled prior to 2024. Entry-level DAIM degrees may be conferred as late as 2031. There are expected to be approximately 375 graduates of an entry-level doctoral program with the DAIM name.


Interested parties are invited to comment on the proposed revisions outlined above through the electronic survey that can be found here: Call for Public Comment - Proposed New Program Name

Should you encounter any technical difficulties submitting the survey, please contact Amos Folz by email at

Comments must be received by 4:30pm US Central Time on 24 October 2024.  

Comments timely submitted will be considered by the Commission.  ACAHM cannot guarantee that comments relating to this matter received after the due date and time will be considered.

Comments must be limited to the proposed change; comments that do not pertain specifically to the proposed change will not be considered at this time.  


Call for Public Comment – Entry-level doctoral degree completion tracks


Summary of Recent Accreditation Decisions [14 August 2024]